SkiBike Mountain Rentals @

* Daily Rate
$100.00 ​
* With First Morning Orientation
(recommended for new riders)​
Classic with Footskis
(Easiest to learn)
Freestyle Mountain Bike Style: Front and Rear Suspension (Younger more athletic style From Lenz, Tngnt, & SkiByk
Call Jim for a Reservation and to set up your rental or bike drop off today.
Park City SkiBike Rentals
Utah SkiBike Rentals

Please just give us a call to make a reservation. We fill up quickly. For Classic Bikes Let us know : Alpine or Snowboard Boots?
Wear your normal winter Jackets, Pants, Goggles, Gloves and Helmet
Watch the "How To Video" before you rental.
We request a $25.00 deposit per bike to hold a reservation.
Bring your Go-Pro so your friends and family see your new adventure!